3 Personal Qualities that make a Good Real Estate Agent


Qualities that make a Good Real Estate Agent-



Estate agent guide-Are you on a path to finding your vocation or are looking for a change that us dynamic and fast-paced? If you are looking toward a career in real estate and want to become a broker or real estate agent, then you know that it is not just as simple as wheeling and dealing and selling pieces of prime property to eager buyers. Becoming a successful real estate agent entails many qualities that you nurture for your own success and as well as to inspire trust and confidence in your clients.

  Good Real Estate Agent

You do not become a big shot real estate agent overnight and neither does it ever work if you aren’t willing to put in the work, focus and research that goes into making your business or venture successful and sought after. If you dream of selling and dealing with prime real estate like like luxury apartments in NYC or valuable commercial office in BKC Mumbai, then the time to get a move on and get in there is now!


Let’s take a look at what qualities will help you climb the rungs of success in this very competitive field –


  • Focus – To be a success in any field or industry, you have to be focussed and driven. It is even more important in a career path such as this one, where you have to know the ins and outs of the industry in order to not only give the right information, follow proper procedures but also land the best of the deals out there. Before you begin, see what courses you can do, what licenses you need and what tools you will need in your professional arsenal as per law and to up the ante when it comes to standing out among the crowd. Study the market you wish to be involved in and keep the enthusiasm and passion going when you begin work. Clients will always appreciate a passionate, knowledgeable and driven real estate agent they know is doing the best for them.
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  • A go-getter attitude – Real estate brokering is not for those who want a simple 9 to 5 desk job that lets them finish work at an appointed hour and walk away with the job done. It requires constant vigilance, research and more. You not only have to find the best properties and sellers but also buyers, guide the buyers, and negotiate for all its worth. You will have to be someone who can be constantly on the go and one that is able to do what is required of you like showings, follow ups and maintain relationships with all parties involved. This is definitely not the right career path for those who are prone to laziness and a go with the flow attitude.


  • Good communication skills – Excellent communication skills is a trait shared by many a successful real estate agent. You have to be able to not only find prospective buyers for sellers, but play mediator, to have to convince negotiate, educate and often counsel. You will have to sell, market and establish arelationship of trust and professionalism, not to forget create an efficient system for yourself to keep abreast of all contacts. If this is an area you feel you may lack in, it is time to brush up those communication skills since your business cannot survive without it.



When just starting out, it may be a wise idea to first work for a real estate agency or firm and hone in your strengths and gain some experience. You can then branch out on your own and set up a business that you are better versed in.

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Mangesh Jain owns his own real estate agency. He started out in the industry 12 years ago and has opened his own agency since the past 7. He deals primarily in commercial property like the popular commercial offices in BKC Mumbai and also has his own blog about the real estate industry.

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