5 Grand Ecommerce Website Development Mistakes that can Cost you a Fortune


The phrase ‘website redesign’ is enough to send shivers down the spine of most e-commerce website owners.

The risks that come with the redesign are huge. Everything, from missing the deadlines to design, and some backend errors can pose a severe threat to the employees.

At times there are some basic mistakes that can lead to big problems.

However, what if you’re going about ecommerce development in the wrong way?

Whether you’ve developed your website or tried a bunch of website design company in Dubai to build your dream website, here are some basic mistakes that you must avoid at all costs.

Let’s list down five grand mistakes that you must avoid taking charge of your website development.

Mistake 1: Ecommerce development and big redesigns

Mistake 2: Redesigning &replatforming at the same time

Mistake 3: Inefficient website evaluation

Mistake 4: Measuring the wrong metrics

Mistake 5: Forget to do A/B testing

Mistake 1: Ecommerce development & big redesigns

Nothing in this world is permanent. Every machine requires an upgrade. When e-commerce developers fail to make significant changes in the design, overtime, these changes gather around and become impossible to handle. That’s why it is vital to alter the design, the content, and usability of the website from time to time.

Nothing big. Just small changes overtime.

Moreover, when small things become big, the only solution left for e-commerce developers is to redesign the whole website.

When designing the website, ensure that the design is responsive, mobile-friendly, and it is insync with all the latest plugins.

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Numerous studies have concluded that making considerable changes in the design can lead to negative effects on the revenue. This will likely to happen if the changes are done without any testing. For every action, there is a loss, a drop in ranking, and the impact of conversion rate.

The most suitable approach is iterating the changes as soon as you come across something which is not working for your website.

Mistake 2: Redesigning & replatforming at the same time

Replatforming is merely switching from one platform to another. For instance, from a WordPress website to Shopify or Magento. Due to insufficient knowledge what most of the owners don’t realize is that changing the e-commerce platform will not using hurt the website traffic, it will also reset the featured products catalog.

While redesigning a website,many constraints must be monitored, which leaves no or less room for monitoring changes in the new platform. Your website will have to adjust to the original design. Your visitors must learn how to navigate the new website. How to give technical support to the customer?

Not only this, there will be missed deadlines, along with that you’ll be faced with a set of brand new problems. Troubleshooting, testing, and learning the newfunctionalities will demand more time.

If you are designing the website, hold the migration. Once, the design is complete, and you know which of the elements need gradual changes, then you can go for movement.

Mistake 3: Inefficient website evaluation

So, we have already talked about doing small tweaks regularly on the website. Ecommerce optimization begins with evaluating the performance of the website. The best way to do it is to do site-wide testing and updating for both mobile and desktop.

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The regular split-testing with new features will keep your website in check and prevent it from making massive redesigns.

The main goal is to improve in a way that the website moves forward constantly.

If you are already running a seven or eight-figure online store the process might take some time. The most suitable option, in this case, is to outsource the evaluation.

A fresh set of eyes will be able to gauge the intensity of website redesign and take the necessary steps saving the time of your precious resources.

Mistake 4: Measuring the wrong metrics

One of the things that concern website owners the most is e-commerce conversion optimization.

Of course, e-commerce conversion rates are vital, but that doesn’t mean that you lose sight of the remaining essential metrics like average-order-value or loyalty of the customer or page engagement.

When you make changes in the online store, it’s necessary to watch out the metrics. So many website owners have a tunnel-vision on their metrics, which results in the biggest obstacle to increasing revenue.

Average-order-value consists of on-page elements that affect the click-through-rate. Next, inline is about the loyalty of the customers. Are there any returning customers on your website?

Last, but not least, you must learn where your time is spending most of the time. Are you losing quality over processing more order? If yes. It is time to refocus your priorities and get back to providing quality over quantity.

Mistake 5: Forget to do A/B testing

A new idea will excite everyone. However, that doesn’t mean that you can implement it right away.

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The best approach is to start with A/B testing. Once you know what you want, or your customers need, you have to try A/B testing to figure out things by performing multivariate tests.

The changes that you apply in the testing phase will help you to smooth out the final version of the website.

A/B testing will help you to gather around all the small changes that you are making and come up with a final version that your customers will love.

To conclude it all

Giant websites rarely go for replatforming. Instead, they prefer to do significant small changes from time to time.

The goal should be that you cover all the aspects ranging from content, the design, and the development part.

If you take out these aspects right,you’ll be able to create customer loyalty. Once there is customer loyalty, it will be a comfortable journey from then onwards. You have to keep doing what is working for you and leave out everything that is not working for your brand.

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