Meaning of life-Why Don’t Humans Like To Stick Out, In General?



What is wrong with sticking out?  It is easier to feel justified if you are not the only one that does something.  Most people tend to follow the crowd mass in general, and one perceived reason is not wanting to think of yourself as “crazy.”  Along with this, many will do things such as collect incorrect information to justify what they are saying.  The humans brain can be quite illogical at times.

what is meaning of life -Many it is because humans can be evil and scoff at others who fail.   Gossip seems ubiquitous and it can be a powerful influence in daily life.  Don’t you usually feel better when there is something to back you up?

what is meaning of life

Many people don’t like responsibility.  If you are the one venturing out to make a decision, then you are the one responsible for the consequences. There is a small percentage of people who like to venture, but it seems the majority do not.   It also seems the fear of failure is ingrained in the human psyche, for one reason or another. People tend to do what they can to now look bad in front of others,

What does the Bible say about following a crowd?  The Bible is supposed to be a guide for us in everyday life.  Exodus 23:2 reads “Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong.  When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd.”  It seems to blatantly contradict things like using incorrect information to back up what you are saying.

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Indeed, Jesus did not just “follow the crowd” in doing what made sense to humans.  For God the Son to have to suffer injustice and verbal and physical pain seems absurd to the average human.  He, of course, is the example to follow.

Aren’t the people who capture your attention the ones who go above and beyond and out of the ordinary?  Going beyond the realm of what happens daily is what makes them memorable.  Most people would not be interested in a movie where a person just played it safe and did what everybody else did.

To get more what is meaning of life it is probably a good suggestion to try to think for yourself, and not to just be a follower.

Do YOU follow the crowd?

About the author:  Albert Wagner is an active member of an Orthodox House Of Hospitality and a non-profit for the homeless and jobless.  He is an Approved Ezine Author and a Spiritual Growth Expert at who likes databases, spiritual philosophy and dogs.

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