5 Popular fundraising ideas 2025


There are many different types of fundraising events that you can try. It takes some creativity to repackage old but popular fundraising methods, but there are some which are staples for a particular kind of cause. Here are some of the best fundraising ideas, and the organizations which fit their use:


  1. Online donations.

There are several websites which can be used as conduits for fundraising. All that is need to be done is to create a donation page on the website, explain the purpose of the fundraising, and then promote the page via social media or even by word of mouth. Online donation sites work best for those organizations which do not have the manpower or the time to devote to planning an event, promoting it, and finally,staging the fundraising event. Although other organizations can make use of this method, this is one activity which can be great for charity fundraising as well as for non-profit fundraising. One of the most popular online donation sites is fundly.com They have estabilished themselves as a credible organization which facilitates donations to individual causes worldwide.


  1. Cookie dough fundraising.


Freshly baked cookies are very popular, however most people nowadays do not have the time to bake their own cookies. This is the reason behind the popularity of cookie dough fundraising. Selling the dough is relatively easy. Cooking the dough is even easier, and there are lots of choices in flavors. People would love to buy cookie doughs. For the proponents, cookie doughs can have a big profit margin, and meeting targets is a simple matter of selling a certain amount of cookie dough packages. This can be used by church organizations, charity fundraising, and school fundraising. The product practically sells itself, there is no spoilage in inventory, and the cookie dough can even be picked up by the buyer. Cookie dough can be made by hand. These can also be used by only one person, or many, for the express purpose of raising funds.

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  1. Sports marathons and walk-a-thons

Fundraisers for schools
Fundraisers for schools, as well as sports fundraisers can make use of sports marathons, or walk-a-thons to raise money. In the traditional walk-a-thon fundraising, the funds are already pledged even before a single step is taken. For those organizations which want to raise a fixed amount of money, there is the assurance that the money is coming in. In addition, if people are not pledging enough, more effort can be put in prior to the event. For sports marathons, the organizers can raise money from attendees, as well as from sponsors, pledges, and spectators. Much like walk-a-thons, these pledges can be given before days or weeks before the event. In addition, food concessions can also be set up around the venue, and this can help with raising additional funds. Word of mouth and social media updates can continue during the sports marathon. This then can lead to more spectators and more sponsors and donors. Sports marathons and walk-a-thons can also be done in association with other organizations. Schools would want to have their athletes join one. Participation in these kinds of sports events can bolster enthusiasm for the team.


  1. Bingo.


Church fundraising usually make use of raffles or bingo nights. Instead of the traditional method of playing bingo, other twists can be instituted to promote more interaction. The members can pledge prizes, instead of the monetary prize for every game. The participants can also make it a community affair by bringing in food pot luck. The game would still be played with the players paying for each card that they want to have. In this manner, concerns about bingo being gambling are minimized, because the prizes could be anything. A participant can bring old clothes or fancy jewelry, or a cake, or books, for prizes. The participants would be playing because they just want to join the fundraising or they just like playing bingo. This can be used for charity and non-profit fundraising.

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  1. Candle fundraising.

Candle fundraising
Alot of people like candles. These come in all shapes and sizes. There are small candles which can be floated in the bathtub, and there are larger scented candles. A relaxing time in the bathtub cannot be complete without scented candles. Raising money via candle fundraising is almost as easy as selling cookie dough. The profits are significant and the fundraisers are assured of meeting their goals. Selling candles can be done for schools, church and non-profit fundraising.


fundraising ideas


There are a lot more types of fundraising projects. If the above does not catch your fancy, you are free to try out others. There is also a lot of leeway in creating and running a fundraising event. The above examples can be run the same way that other organizations have run them. Or you can create your own twist in the event.


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