Crossing the final school hurdle of a levels

With the increased financial strain of a university education and the ever widening pool of applicants for jobs, it’s little wonder that A level students feel the need to achieve the highest possible grades. Private tutors can ease this anxiety with individual preparation to help achieve your best. 
Guidance focused on the individual learner 
Many students making their choices for A level subjects do so with some idea of how they would like to use them, whether that’s based upon the career to which they aspire or the subject requirements for higher education opportunities. However, for some pupils fresh out of the GCSE exam hall, the future is a distant land and the euphoria of success in particular subjects at Key Stage 4 is all the guidance they need for which subjects provide sufficient stimulus to progress to A level. 
The reality, however, is that the style of learning which accompanies A level tuition is far more reliant upon personal motivation, requiring the student to direct much of their own study. Sadly, for many this sudden leap in educational responsibility can result in a deterioration of their aptitude for a subject with which they may previously have felt very confident. That’s not to say that the subject choices they have made were not the right ones. But the method of teaching and learning requires a longer period of adjustment than many students are given. 
If you have found yourself falling behind in one or more of your A level subjects in this way, then personal tutors are just the people to guide you back on course and re-discover your passion for the subject. Perhaps the pace at which your teacher has been moving the lessons along has left some gaps in your knowledge, leaving you feeling uncertain about the later stages of the curriculum. A tutor will work with you to analyse the course content, identify the areas in which you feel a weakness and focus on these until you are happy that you have fully grasped the field of knowledge. 
Some courses require a lot of additional reading around the subject, which is not necessarily dictated by the teacher in the manner with which you had become accustomed during those earlier years of study. Because personal tutors will be qualified in the subject to at least undergraduate level or beyond, they will be able to advise you on which additional texts and research will most benefit your understanding of the field and populate your knowledge for coursework and exams. 
Whether it’s one module of your subject with which you require assistance, or you would prefer some accompanying guidance throughout the two years of study, by employing A level tuition from a highly qualified tutor you can access help that is completely individual to your needs and will build your confidence in your own abilities. 
Alice Aires has worked for several years in a variety of education fields and settings and has researched the results of private tutors. She now works as a consultant and writes for several websites and blogs on educational matters. The opinions expressed about educational policy are those of the author and not the publisher. To learn more about the benefits of private tutors, visit this page.

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