Things to Know about Storing Heavy Duty Pallets



Heavy duty pallets are extremely useful tools, especially when handling heavy loads weighing hundreds of pounds. As the name implies, the pallets are known for being very tough and they are capable of handling a variety of loads.

Storing Heavy Duty Pallets

A regular palletcan accommodate a capacity of 14, 000 pounds whereas a heavy duty pallet has the capacity of storing close to 24, 000 pounds. If you need pallets of higher capacity than this, then you can opt for bigger structural racks that offer ahuge capacity of about 45000 pounds. There are structures available that are used for the purpose of holding the heavy duty pallets, called the heavy duty pallet racks. Such racks are commonly usedapparatusin various manufacturing units.

Features of Heavy Duty Pallet Racks

  • The heavy duty pallet racks are commonly made of sturdy steel pipes held together with the help of cast iron netting on all sides. This enables them to safely contain heavy loads.
  • The loader can quickly stack or store the heavy duty pallets as these racks can be easily opened from all the sides.
  • You can either place the heavy duty pallets individually or stack them on top of another- as these racks have sufficient height and width.
  • It is easy to use forklifts with these racks, by sliding the forklift underneath the pallet that lies at the bottom and accordingly, the stack is moved in to the open slot.
  • In the different manufacturing plants, the heavy duty pallet racks are used to store either raw materials or end products or any other materials.
  • They can also be used to store heavy equipment when they are not in use
  • There are in-built pallet racks in various truck containers that are used while transporting goods between different locations.
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There are also push back pallet racks that are commonly used for storing heavy duty pallets. They are widely used because they can store upto five pallets and can be easily installed. Because of the conveniences, they are considered to be the best storage equipment.However, you can either choose pushback racks or drive-in drive through racks – according to your needs

The chances of damage are lessened to a great extent when the articles are stored in heavy duty pallet racks. Due to their compact nature, it is easy to dispatch the pallet racks easily. You can get the heavy duty pallet racks custom made.  You can either choose to get them painted or galvanized. However, galvanization is recommended, in case you are planning to use the pallets outdoors.

With the use of such racking systems, you can easily keep your warehouse well organized, by minimizing the levels of damage risk and also by maximizing the availability of floor space. Since every industry has their unique storage needs, so research carefully and choose the ones that suit you the best.

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