Hotel Interior Designing Services Trends You Should Go For this new year


Hotel Interior Designing Services Trends guide this new year

The interiors of the hotels play a significant role in determining its ambiance and appeal. With the ever changing times, designing trends in the hospitality industry also keep altering. What was in vogue yesterday might not be the flavor of the season today. Therefore, keeping up with the pace of the hotel interior design trends has become morally imperative for the Hotel Interior Designing Services industry. The visitors connect with the colors and designs used in the lobby, rooms as well as the sitting area. Hence, it is essential that you embellish your hotel with inviting and comfortable colors, as per the theme of your hotel. This is also a major factor which draws the visitors towards a particular hotel, apart from its food quality and customer service. Here are some of the hotel interior design trends which you should choose for decorating your hotel in this year.

Hotel Interior Designing Services

Make the Guest Room Trendy

There could more to a guest room, than just plain bed, locker and a table for the guest to sue. This kind of interior design has really lost its lustre now.  When the visitors arrive at a hotel, they are away from home. Therefore, this is exactly when they would enjoy experiencing a surprise. In order to give a little something extra, make creative changes in the guestrooms. For business suites arrange for TV panels which and put a trendy looking sofa, beside the bed. The guest should feel that he is living in his own little world- his cozy living room where he could have meetings, reading corner, space to work on his laptop and enjoy his favorite TV shows while lying on his comfortable bed. If you could afford, arrange for a compact office as well inside the room. To create unique accommodation for your guests, go for eclectic décor mixes as well as color explosions.

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Make Your Large Spaced Lobby Multi-Purpose

The lobby of your hotel is the ultimate point of connecting all other rooms and areas of your hotel. Not only this, a lobby also creates a space in the hotel which has a lot of potential of being used creatively. Therefore, the role of lobbies in hotels is growing massive day by day. Personal meetings as well as social gatherings, all are well fitted to take place in the lobby area of any hotel. So, design the interiors of your lobby so that it could suit the interests of both formal as well as informal interactions. Create plug-ins, those required by laptops and tablets to function, easy to use coffee table as well as sofa and furniture which is conducive for intimate, casual as well as professional encounters. In order to make the hotel lobby multi-purpose, choose the type of furniture which is pleasant to look at and has an efficient functionality as well.You can create a more welcoming ambience by decorating the lobby with, indoor waterfalls, green walls, multimedia stations, large chandeliers and others.

Bathroom-A Mini Spa

Bathrooms create a far deeper impact on people’s lives, than realized, especially when they are on a traveling spree. In all fairness, the interiors of a bathroom, by no means, are to be underestimated. At times, this is one of the most influential factors, which make a visitor choose his stay at the hotel. Giving the look and feel of a spa, goes a long way in making guests feel relaxed in the bathroom. The ambience and interiors should be done in a way which would make the bathroom of your hotel room, a haven of sensuous luxury and ease. Create a substantial place in the bathroom; useking-sized bathtubs, waterfall showers, sinks which have gender- specific design, giant towels and beauty products put up decoratively in there. Also, lay some scented candles having soft colors like baby blue, pink or sea green and put flower bowls on the sides.

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CreativeEating Area

There is no doubt about the fact that food is one of the most essential and inseparable requisites in our lives. Therefore, instead of only focusing upon the practical aspects of food and the eating area, have an aesthetic approach towards it. Cooking after all is an exquisite art! And food is what almost everyone’s life beautiful and fun. Make the restaurant of your hotel a destination in itself. This means that you would require pushing the envelope of creativity and innovation, when designing the interiors of the eating area. Use wall decals, which reflect your ideology and attitude towards food, and therefore towards life. Liberally use flashy colors like orange, yellow, bright green, red and others, as these colors affect the appetite and increase its magnitude.

Go Green

The designs which are in perfect sync with the environment are much preferred these days. Is it decorating your house, office, the room or lobby of a hotel, bathrooms or any other space, eco-friendly themes are truly in vogue? Therefore, get the rooms designed with large and wide windows, which allow natural sunlight and fresh air to enter the rooms in abundance.  Green roofs, recycling bins for guests, green walls, potted plants to decorate the indoors, electronic water faucets, a kitchen garden for culinary purposes, graywater recycling and similar other ways can be used to give a nature friendly theme to your hotel.

Create a Second Home For Guests

Giving a personal touch to your hotel, as per the guests who stay there, is a unique way to establish connects with them. Some hotels are following this new concept, as this surely makes the guests, visit the hotel for another warm stay.  Themed guestrooms are now being considered as an effective way to leave a strong impression on the one-time guests. Not only is your brilliant service appreciated by them, your hotel would also earn a lot of word of mouth publicity.

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The rooms, in which the guests would stay, must have a homely and cozy look and feel. It does not matter how advanced technology you use to set up the room, how much money you splurge to create a luxurious environment, unless it feels comfortable, the guests would not like any of those.  Decorate rooms by using wood additions, wholesome carpets & curtains and a fireplace to snuggle by. Do your homework and make a data base in which the personal likes and dislikes of your guests are maintained. Play music of their choice and also decorate their rooms by following inspired decorative pieces.


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