6 Steps Involved During An Office Fit Out Project


Office fit outs have more processes involved in them than you might think. People often assume that they can just start their fit out and it’ll be done easily and in no time, which is true, but only if you’re prepared and know the process.

After all, you’re only renovating an office, not a house! What could be so difficult? There are regulations, rules, permissions, certificates, and requirements you must meet to undergo any Dubai office fit out.

The most forgotten of which is if your office fit out is going to affect the compliance of the building you’re in. The problems you might face if you don’t subscribe to all of the office fit out requirements has the potential to be very costly. You need to make sure you get the appropriate tradespeople so you can go about your fit out correctly.

1. Developing Design Concept

Firstly, you need to do a design concept. Whether it be a small office fit out or a large one, your design concept should include how it is going to be set out and what you’re going to use. It needs to show the workstations where people are going to sit, any equipment that will need setting up beforehand, your electrical plan, and your lighting concepts.

The next thing you need to do is pick a team, so you can go through all of this with them. Make sure you get the best people for your interior design fit out Dubai. Don’t just take someone because they said they could do it cheap or quick, there are definitely consequences to those kinds of decisions.

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2. Gathering The Necessary Information

There’s a lot of things you need to know before you can even start planning anything, so it is important that you gather all the information you need to get started. These are things like how many people require desks and chairs, what materials do they want used in the fit out, where will the desks go, the specifications of the equipment you’re using, and ceiling heights.

Some things don’t seem important to know at first but might end up being pretty crucial to your fit out. Things like what inspections need to be done on the building, where can I get power from for my office, or what kind of signage do you need on the building. Make sure you get all of this information so things go smoothly for your office fit out.

3. Planning The Installation Of Your New Office

Once everything is gathered, you can start to plan what goes where and when it will be installed. This includes making an electrical plan that makes sense, putting together the worksheet for all the trades, scheduling out tasks, and making sure deadlines are set.

Before you get installations started, you need to inspect everything that is already in the building. This will help you to see if anything needs changed or moved because it’ll affect your fit out otherwise. After this has been done, the next part is to get all the trades you have scheduled for their work.

4. Installation Of Office Fit Outs

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The major part of your fit out is done, now it’s just a matter of minor tasks before it’s complete. These include hooking up machines and computers, making sure everything runs smoothly and finishing off any fixtures and fittings.

5. It’s A Wrap!

After everything has been hooked up and installed, you can start to pick everything else up and organize it ready for when you get there. You need to get your final inspections done and get all of the certificates that are required for building compliance. This is the major part of your fit out.

6. Finishing Off Touches

The next part is the finishing touches, which mean things like carpets, blinds, and furniture. Before you get any of this done, make sure that all of your installations  are complete and nothing needs to be moved for the fit out. You definitely wouldn’t want to get new carpeting or furniture only to find that you need to move your printer. Once everything is done, you can start using your new office fit out, which is the best feeling ever!

Office fit outs are some of the most involved kinds of renovations you will go through for your building- whether it be a small renovation or a large one. Make sure you get it planned out and scheduled so it all goes as smoothly as possible. A good place to start with this is getting information from the building and making sure you know what will be needed and where it can go. It’s also a good idea to get a few different quotes and plans for your fit out, just so you know you got the best deal.

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Once you’ve got all the information you need, start planning out tasks and scheduling them to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. This will give you a good idea of when things can be done to speed up your fit out process. If you do this effectively, you could have your new office fit outs installed in no time!

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