30 Marketing Ideas That Can Help Boost Your Real Estate Business



Nowadays, in an era where competition exists no matter the niche of your business, marketing has an important role in getting more clients, sales or any kind of profits you get from your business. In the real estate niche, there are more and more companies out there competing with each other for getting more clients. Being a very saturated market, the marketing strategies used by these businesses can be vital for the survival and the success of the specific business.

In this article you can find 30 marketing ideas that can help boost your real estate business in no time. Don’t skip any of this if you want to succeed in this niche, marketing isn’t about over complicating things, is about keeping it simple but effective. Every single small tip from this article will have some positive impact on your real estate business so simply read and apply!

Offline Marketing:

1) Location is everything! If you do not own a proper location for your business don’t hesitate to move, it can make the difference from being successful or going bankrupt.

2) Sponsor small events or fundraisers, these events won’t take out a lot of money from your pocket, but it can bring you a wave of new clients.

3) Don’t keep the offline and online marketing strategies separated. Add your website address and social profiles to your business card.

4) Create a newsletter which you can mail in the neighborhood. Don’t forget to make it visually attractive for your customers, be creative!

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5) Run ads on your local newspapers, some of these might actually be for free on newspapers with a special section for them, so you don’t have anything to lose.

6) Create personalized objects with your logo and give them away for free. These shouldn’t necessary be t-shirts, it can be pens or mugs, which won’t cost a lot but it will remind the clients when drinking their coffee every day or writing something about your business.

7) Word of mouth was, it is and it will be an effective marketing strategy so doesn’t ignore it.

8) Simply showcase your real estate skills through open houses.


E-mail Marketing:

9) This will be a tip for what NOT to do: do not ever spam random people’s e-mails, this will show them you are not nearly as serious in this business as you want to look.

10) E-mail your newsletters, this will help you reach a lot more people than the offline strategy.

11) E-mail tips for your subscribers for finding a cheap house, apartment or with the new places for sale at that moment.

12) Remind your e-mail subscribers of safety measurements for their home.

13) Invite people through e-mails to your social profiles on the Internet.

14) Invite people on your e-mail list to free webinars concerning your niche.

15) Send your subscribers special occasion cards, including birthday cards. Everyone loves when a serious business owner remembers their birthday.

Website Marketing:

16) First of all make sure you build or hire someone to build a professional looking website. First impression for a visitor is very important.

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17) Offer small but quality reports for people who subscribe using their e-mail. People love numbers and interesting titles such as “10 secret tips to find your dream house”. This way you can also build your e-mail list easily.

18) Post constant updates on your website, a picture is worth a thousand words so don’t forget those!

19) Connect your website or blog with all your social profiles. Also try to have add-ons, such as Facebook comments on your posts. This will make things more personal, because it isn’t only business, you actually need to get personal with your visitors or clients to separate yourself from all the other real estate companies.

20) Host contests with prizes, this will attract a lot more people to your website.

21) Hire people to optimize your website for search engines, also known as SEO.

22) Remember to have all the details such as address, company phone and all these things on your website visible. You don’t want people to just visit your website and leave.


Social Media Marketing:

23) Create a Facebook Fanpage for your business adding interesting photos and linking it with the contests on your website.

24) Create a Twitter account and post regular updates there.

25) Create a YouTube account and outsource videos from websites such as fiverr.com . You can find a lot of people there creating professional looking videos for as low as 5 dollars.

26) Connect all your social accounts with each other as much as possible.

27) A creative way on Facebook to get your friends and people you know as customers is creating a personal page, adding as much friends as possible and change it into a fanpage. This way your friends will transform into fanpage likes and you will start with a huge boost on Facebook.

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28) Don’t hesitate to use social websites such as Pinterest, grabbing people’s attention with high quality pictures.

29) Use forums and online communities to check on your competition and communicate with other real estate agents for improving your business.

30) Send polls to your fans, followers, etc. It will help you understand what people actually want and take action to make that possible.


Author Bio:

William Lawrence is a team member for TruckeeHomeFinder. He like to blog about home improvement, updates in real estate and more.

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