Top 4 Tips to Learn Hand Soldering: Recommended by Best Inc in Illinois 


Have you been striving hard to become one of the highly acclaimed electronics manufacturing companies in the “USA” but didn’t achieve that even now? What do you think, what could be the problem? Incompetent technicians, inefficient equipment, or inexpensive components? Maybe you agree to all, or “maybe” you don’t! Right? But what we think could be the main culprit in your case is insufficient training. Yes, you read that right! It is “possible” that your in-house workers might not be able to work to the expected standards, resulting in inferior quality products and thus lower buyer satisfaction and higher complaints. So, the question arises, how can you train your operators or technicians in the electronics making field, like printed circuit boards? Well, an excellent way to achieve that goal is to enrol them in the IPC-authorized solder training courses offered by the Best Inc. 

Solder Tools, IPC Training, PCB Rework and Solder Certification | BEST Inc

Yes, you heard that right! Suppose your technical professionals learn how to solder the SMD devices or other electronic components on the circuit boards “correctly.” In that case, they can produce high-quality assemblies “easily” that will work smoother and last longer. But the question is, what will they learn during the soldering training offered by Best Inc? “To be frank,” they can wrap their mind around various things like:

1. How to prepare the soldering iron for soldering on the board?

2. How to apply the solder on the joints correctly?

3. How to ensure that the solder got applied correctly?

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4. How to avoid common pitfalls while soldering? and, 

5. How to correct the soldering mistakes if they occur?

Once your engineers or operators learn all these techniques, they will be able to produce supreme quality circuit boards or associated electronic assemblies that will improve the reliability of the device it gets “assembled in.” And let us tell you that the list of its benefits doesn’t here as making your staff learn all these things will help you establish a better brand image in the electronics industry and acquire more PCB manufacturing projects. So, if all this feels like music to your ears, you should not delay anymore enrolling your personnel in the IPC-based hand soldering programs offered by Best Inc. 

Now with that over, it’s time to peek at:

Four Best tips to learn hand soldering as suggested by Best Inc. 

1. Thoroughly prepare the environment before soldering 

Now, before you switch on your soldering iron, it is necessary to ensure that your heat-proof surface is ready to work, your soldering tool has the correct tip, and your soldering device can stand safely on that heat-proof surface. Once you have checked all this, please wear safety goggles and start performing the soldering job. Remember, the sole purpose of doing all these things is to “make sure” that your work remains optimized and efficient while being safe. 

2. Understand how to tin the tip 

An imperative thing you should always “remember” before performing hand soldering is to tin the tip of your soldering iron pretty nicely. In “case” you don’t know what that means, we must tell you that “tinning” is a “very” simple process of covering the tip of your soldering iron with a thin layer of tin, i.e., the solder containing tin in this case. 

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But do you know the reason behind doing this? If not, we must inform you that it helps prevent oxidization and let the solder stick to your soldering iron’s tip so you can flow it where you need to. Now, once your iron has reached a specific temperature, you need to hold it over your heat-proof surface, then immerse it up to one centimetre in the solder to wet the tip and then clean the excessive solder if it remains. Post that, please keep repeating this process until the “tip” of your soldering device becomes completely shiny. 

3. Hold the board completely still 

In this stage, you need to stick your printed circuit board on the working surface firmly using adhesive or other similar things to not let it move when you work over it. Bear in mind doing this is “extremely” essential to ensure the safety and success of your PCB-making project. 

4. Create the perfect solder joint 

Finally, it’s time to create robust soldered interconnections by contacting your soldering iron’s tip with the copper surrounding and the pin. Now touch your device’s tip to the copper surrounding for one or two seconds and then feed solder using your other hand. Once enough solder gets added, stop the feeding task but keep holding the soldering tool for a second or more. Do you know why? Well, it will strengthen the electrical contact of your potential joint and make it look smoother after the job. 

Over to you 

Hopefully, you learned scores of things through this content piece, including some tried and tested tips to carry out hand soldering. So, if you liked what you just went through and want your technical professionals to participate in the IPC-approved hand soldering programs, please reach out to the well-known solder training centre in Illinois now. 

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