About Randolph Hoover



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About Randolph Hoover

NAME:Randolph Hoover

NICKNAME :Randolph, Dolph, Randy, but yeah please call me by my name.

ADDRESS (just the city!):



November, 22 1989


Well, to finish my degree first. My only concern as of late are the minor goals. I’ll definitely figure things out once I earn my degree.

How are you, really

Fine, I guess.

What’s your favorite color


What was your favorite subject in school

Arts & Crafts

What do you do

Study and do freelance work during my free time.

What are your currently focussing on

We’re at the middle of the Autumn Semester in Uni.

What kind of music are you into

Mostly pop music and Indie. I dig a little heavy metal, R&B, Hip-Hop, and techno too. Pretty much a little bit of everything.

Are you married

Not yet.

Describe yourself

Extremely moody. I can be extremely sad for one moment because of watching a random video inline and be happy the next minute because of random gibberish I hear from my parents or whatever munchkins is doing.

Favourite Food and dessert:

Bacon, and for the dessert, Bacon

My favorite books

Orwell’s 1984, Jarhead, Flowers for Algernon

My favorite movies:

Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai, Little Miss Sunshine, and Tomorrowland

What do I do:

Skateboarding, Writing, Play Video Games, Collect Magazines.

The scariest thing I’ve ever done?

Cheat on a exam, Smoking inside the Male comfort room during high school.

Accomplishment I’m most proud of?

Publish more than 5 articles in a month.

Something I’m not so proud of?

Being Extremely moody.

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Something that people really don’t know about me

Back when I was seven years old, I almost died by falling over the school bus because I was thinking I can reach the ground from the bus floor by jumping. I didn’t realize I was too short. I ended up falling face first on the ground. By the way, the school bus was in a fair amount of pace and I was daring one of the bullies at school If I will land properly or not for three dollars. I could have been dead If my head landed first. But luckily, my elbows and knees caught the fall. A few bruises and scratches and being grounded for a month gave me a lesson I won’t forget. And I lost three bucks to that bully.

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