About Jamie Watson

About Jamie Watson

Jamie Watson

NAME: Jamie Watson


ADDRESS (just the city!): Detroit

How are you, really

To quote a famous singer, “I feel good.” I feel like I am ready to tackle every day, it is not only my job to help myself but to help others by learning as much as I can and sharing that knowledge.

What’s your favourite color

There is no comparison with blue

What was your favourite subject in school

History, I just can’t get enough. In fact, I am an historian as well as a writer and remember, “we tell it like it was.”

What do you do

I am a writer and a historian. My goal is to tell people things that they do not know. I absolutely love that eureka moment.

What are your currently focusing on

Let’s see, where should I begin. I am becoming somewhat of an expert in various wedding vendors and what it takes to pull off a wedding. Also, ask me about children’s birthday parties and I will talk your ear off. Besides that, I am writing a children’s book about inventing.

What kind of music are you into

I am an absolute music freak. I truly love just about everything. There is one exception. I can only take so much of “It’s a small world after all.”

What accomplishment are you most proud of

If I had to pin it down, I would have to say publishing a history book. I have had the wonderful experience of publishing three books and two of them were history texts. That was always a dream of mine.

Are you married

Yes, and I have two little ones who keep me out of trouble.

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Describe yourself

I am passionate depending on the subject, but I also am deeply interested in helping other people. I feel like we all need each other in this world and it helps tremendously if we reach out and lighten each other’s loads because this life can be tough.

Favourite Food and dessert:

This one is easy. Pizza and chocolate delight.

My favourite books

Would I be conceited if I said mine. All kidding aside, I would have to say anything by Benjamin Franklin.

My favourite movies:

I probably will have a different answer here than most but if I had to narrow it down to three, I would say, Braveheart, Shawshank Redemption and The Storm of the Century. The funny thing is, two of these are based on books written by Steven King. So, you don’t think good writing has anything to do with it do you?

What do I do:

I write and then I write some more. I have two main jobs. I work at a museum as a communications specialist. There, I write anything museum related from brochures to annual reports to interpretive programming. In my other work life, I am a full-time web writer. I become or at least try to become an expert in a particular area and then write about it.

The scariest thing I’ve ever done?

This is a toughie, I would have to say I try to avoid doing scary things, but if I had to share something, it would probably be going to a haunted house.

Accomplishment I’m most proud of?

See the question and answer above, if I came up with anything else I would not be truthful here.

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Something I’m not so proud of?

I walked off of a job once. I was being treated like trash, but I wish I had waited.

If I had a dream job for a day

This question has an easy answer. Writing has always been my passion and I would like to write the next great American novel. Now, I realize I could never do that in a day, but I could start it on one day and dream.

The first thing I notice about people

Their attitude and how they treat others.

Something that people really don’t know about me

I play guitar, well, at least I strum a bit. Would you want to hear me play or strum? Probably not, but it makes me smile.

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