Advice On Getting A Pay Increase


Everyone wants to make more money at work, but many people do not know the best way to ask for a pay increase. You might worry that asking for a raise is rude or will reflect badly on you. In fact, many people who do see their pay go up do so precisely because they were bold enough to request a raise.

Pay Increase

However, just because you ask for a raise does not mean that your employer is obligated to agree. You need to be able to demonstrate why you deserve to make more money. By preparing your case ahead of time, you can show your employer just how valuable you are. With the right evidence, you will soon be making more money than you were before.

If you want to make more money, you need to be able to demonstrate why you are worth more. One good way of doing so is to put together a portfolio of the work that you have done for your company. What sort of projects have you completed? Have you come up with innovative new ways to do things? Have you found more efficient means of getting things done?

If you have been able to save your company money by speeding up various processes, this is good evidence to use when you are asking for a raise. Employers like to reward employees who save them money. By crunching the numbers and figuring out just how much savings your ideas have produced, you can make it clear that you deserve to be rewarded.

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The industry in which you work can also help you make your case for why you deserve to earn more money. If there is a lot of demand for people with your particular set of skills, you can use this as a way to show why you should get a pay increase. Being headhunted by another company is frequently used as leverage by employees. If your employer wants to retain your services, he needs to make sure that he compensates you appropriately.

However, it is important to make sure that you take the right approach when you are asking for a raise. Different employers will respond to different approaches. For example, if your employer is put off by aggression, take a more conciliatory approach. Do not demand a raise, but instead try to be persuasive and show him just why you should have your pay increased.

Do not be discouraged if your first request is turned down. Be persistent. However, do not be annoying with your continual requests for more money. Allow a reasonable length of time to pass before you make another request. This way, your employer may be more likely to reevaluate the situation and come to a more satisfactory conclusion.

Many people feel as if they deserve to earn more money at work, but are too afraid to ask for a pay increase. By keeping this advice in mind, you can start to be paid what you deserve.

Author : Aria Meyer is a freelance write and an active blogger. She writes mainly about fashion and technology, but she also writes about other topics too. She is currently working with several ecommerce websites to help them with content. Aria got her Bachelor Degree from Cal State Long Beach and currently living in Walnut, CA. Right now, she is working closely with to help them grow the marketing department.

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