Involving the Groom in the Wedding Planning Process


Wedding Planning Process

Let’s face it, when you think about a wedding and all of the planning that it involves, who do you think about more? The bride or the groom? While traditionally the wedding arena has been the purview of the bride, it seems that the groom has always been relegated to making sure he shows up on time and knows how to repeat the words I do. There may be a better way. No matter what area of life one is discussing, when people feel like they are invested in an event or activity, it almost always brings a more meaningful interaction and sense of value in terms of the person involved and the overall event. And if that is true of everyday events, imagine what could be said about the most important day of your life. So, with that being said, setting a goal of getting the groom more involved in the overall planning of your wedding is a laudable mission and one that should be pursued. Here are some tips on how to make everyone feel like they are a part of pulling off your big day.

Wedding Planning Process

So, you need to know where to help out in the grand scheme of things. Whether your fiance wants to admit it or not, she could use some help. The key though is to offer her the right help. We certainly don’t want you rushing in and telling your bride to be that you want to held with her search for the dress of her dreams. No, that would probably not be met with overall enthusiasm. But, there are three major wedding arenas that we would like to start with that we feel would be a good place for you to pitch in and lend a hand. Let’s start with the guest list. Just forging the guest list can be a huge undertaking depending on how large a wedding you plan on having. You could start by listing out people that are possibilities and then go through them one by one as you rank them in order of importance. Now, here is the interesting thing about this task. We aren’t saying that you won’t peg one of your would be guests incorrectly in your fiance’s eyes, but you will more than likely be able to make some hard decisions that she cannot or will not make. While she may have come up with a list of 300, you might be able to get that list down to 200. Just think of the savings.

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In terms of your wedding date, we feel it would be a very good idea for you to be a part of that choice as well. Let’s get real here, you are keyed into certain dates that she will not be. If you want all of your guests to be overjoyed that they are present at your wedding instead of just 50 percent, you do not want to schedule your wedding on the day of a big game. The last thing you want are your guests constantly sneaking peaks at their cell phones or sneaking out of your reception to go to the bar area in order to see what the score of the game is. The groom can help with this. And let’s not forget about one of the biggest expenses you are going to have in all of your wedding plans, your reception venue. This is a great arena for the groom to have a say in as well, it will be one more thing that you can take off of your fiance’s shoulder’s. Let’s face it, what elements are a huge part of the reception? Booze and entertainment. And most guys know quite a bit about both. And if they don’t, they at least like to partake in both. Remember, music can make or break your reception so come up with something and then run it by your fiance in order to insure you are heading in the right direction. So, we suggest that the groom take the reigns on the decisions related to your venue choice and what goes on at the venue.

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After the big three, there are a few other areas that seem to fit right into the groom’s wheelhouse. Obviously, he is the perfect choice to pick out his groomsmen with, of course, a nod to tradition if you need to. The iconic wedding ring is another search that the groom should be a part of. Sure, the bride needs to be in love with what is eventually purchased, but there is no reason the groom can’t be there during the search and be allowed to pipe in from time to time with his opinion. Even if the bride doesn’t take it seriously, he will still feel a part of things. Now, depending on who you are, there is something else that you can do in order to feel like you are making a contribution to your wedding day. What about working out in the months leading up to your big day so that you are in the best shape of your life? Not only will you feel great in your tuxedo but the endorphins will give you a high as you walk down that aisle. And speaking of tuxedos, there is no reason that you can’t go on a shopping trip and find out the particulars that you need and the perfect tuxedo for your body style. Sure, get your bride’s opinion so that you coordinate, but there is no reason why you can’t handle most of this search. But there is one more thing that you can handle that we know you will get excited about. Take the lead on making most of your honeymoon plans. There is only one rule here, make is as romantic as you possibly can.

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You are probably wondering if there are any items on the “do not touch” list. And our answer should not surprise you. Yes, there are definite items on the that list. You should never ever broach the subject of your wedding invitations, your fiance’s dress, the cake or the flowers. If you follow this guide and take on the tasks above, we can guarantee that you as the groom will not only feel like you are a huge part of your wedding plans, but your bride to be will find her road to the perfect day to be much smoother than they ever imagined it would be. The team approach is always the best policy and your wedding day will prove it.

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