Top Three Must Watch TV Series for New Year


Must Watch TV Series for New Year

2015 is the best year for TV fans to strengthen their relationship with their laptops and TV, because it is in this year that many fantastical shows have released their much awaited sequel seasons. There are so many TV shows in fact, that it is probably impossible to watch them all. Although I have no idea what has gotten into film producers lately, I can but revel at the sight of awesome movies. Now that we have already passed the 6 month mile, and we are entering the second half of 2015-14, we can definitely talk about the three best up and upcoming TV shoes of the moment. so dont miss Top Three Must-Watch TV Series of 2015-14

Hannibal (NBC)must watch tv series 2015

The first time I heard the name of the series I actually thought… “No, not another film with about psychopaths”. To be honest, although I have heard of the four novels and five feature films that appeared before this show, I was never very interested in the story of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. To be honest, I believe that it is Bryan Fuller who managed to make me interested in such a gruesome story, because he has brought something new to the table. For a seemingly boring franchise, which has been infinitely perpetuated, it is surprising to see that producers have managed to create something truly unique. If you want to watch the show, you can take a look at the deals for Charter Cable California.

“Rectify” definitely deserves its place in the list, because it is unlike any other TV show you will ever see. Sure, you may say that you are bored of all the crime drama series that appear frequently, but “Rectify” is a little different. It tells the story of a death-row inmate who is released from prison due to technicality. But while most series would focus on whether or not the convicted man really committed the heinous crime or not, this one doesn’t. Producers do not care if Daniel Holden really rapped his teenage girlfriend or not, because they are rather more interested by the way that the inmate is received by the community, family and friends. This genre-bending character study will deliver and leave you wanting for more.

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Game of Thrones
You might be surprised that Game of Thrones barely made it on number three in our top, but you will soon understand why. The truth is that Game of Thrones is in a league of its own. First of all the story is based on a series of amazing books that create an entirely new world of fantasy, deceit, war, dragons and kings, where only one man gets to sit on the Frozen Throne in the end. Furthermore, the budget is overwhelmingly larger than that of other TV series, and the actors are exceptional. All in all, the story is very well put on screen, the characters brilliant, and the dragons, well, scary. When it comes to this show, it is impossible not to root for a character, may it be the Mother of Dragons, The King of the North or even Tywin Lannister.

So this is our countdown of must-watch TV series in this year-14. As we said before, 2015 has been very prolific for TV producers, and you will most definitely find an amazing new series to watch.

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