Do Anti-Aging Creams Really Work?
The more we age, the more our skins start to show the signs of aging. It is something inevitable. But we still want to make it stop for as long as possible, by applying many different methods. We try many different things to get rid of the wrinkles and other aging symptoms that our skin starts to show. Apart from your growing age, poor lifestyle factors can also contribute to poor, shaggy, and wrinkled skin. Also, constant exposure to the sun can hamper your skin further, and cause wrinkles on your skin.
And as the easiest solutions for these problems, you might resort to various anti-aging creams. Even though the creams promise reduced wrinkles and make claims that they will reverse the damages to your skin caused by the UV rays of the sun. But the question always remains. Are these anti-aging creams effective at all? Do these anti-aging creams really work? Can they remove the damages and wrinkles of your skin and make you look younger?
The effectiveness of different anti-aging creams mainly depends on their ingredients. Most of the creams that are sold in the market don’t clearly mention their ingredients, and this secrecy might deceive you as a customer. As there are certain ingredients that can help you to reduce the wrinkles from your skin, and if they are not present in any particular anti-aging cream, it won’t be effective at all. And they won’t work as per your expectations.
However, even if all the ingredients are used perfectly, these creams will be effective moderately. They can make you look younger to some extent, but they won’t make you look super young, like someone in their early 20s. SO, you shouldn’t expect a lot from the commonly used anti-aging creams. Also, there are some creams that your doctor might suggest. Those creams will be sure to have these specific ingredients, so you can get them without any doubt. But if you are getting one without a prescription, make sure that your anti-aging cream has these ingredients-
Retinol is a vitamin A compound, it is widely used as an antioxidant ingredient in anti-aging creams. Retinol is a true and tried method for decreasing lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging from the skin, and it also boosts the elasticity and thickness of the skin. Antioxidant properties of retinol help in fighting the damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to the breakdown of skin cells and cause wrinkles.
There is a stronger form of retinol, which is known as tretinoin. This can only be used after a doctor prescribes you this, and using it might come with side effects such as stinging, tingling, etc. But they work more strongly and effectively to remove wrinkles and any other signs of age from the skin. However, pregnant women must refrain from using vitamin A-based products like this.
Coenzyme Q10
This ingredient of anti-aging creams helps to reduce the wrinkles around the eyes. It also offers protection against sun damages. They can be found in many wrinkle-free and anti-aging creams.
The more you age, your skin loses fat and becomes thinner, causing it to sag and develop lines. Also, the body produces less elastin and collagen, substances that enable your skin to maintain its smoothness, glow, and youthful appearance. Peptides are basically small proteins that will help stimulate new cells to grow and help your skin cells to heal. Your stretch marks, wrinkles, and wounds will also be healed with its help.
Hydroxy Acids
There are three types of hydroxy acids. Alpha, beta and poly, and they are exfoliants that help to remove the upper layer of old and dead skins. Hydroxy acids also work to stimulate the growth of smooth and evenly pigmented new skin.
Alpha-hydroxy acids, such as lactic, citric, and glycolic acids are natural ingredients that come from milk and fruit sugars. They are commonly used in anti-aging creams as they work as exfoliants, and help getting rid of dead skin cells, and allow new cells to grow. It allows the deeper layer of the skin to come to the surface faster, which will speed up the cycle of your skin turnover.
Each acid has a different effect on the skin. Lactic acid can be found in sour milk and helps have a brightening effect on the skin by removing dead skin cells. Glycolic acid comes from sugar cane, and it helps by reducing wrinkles and lines and making the skin appear tighter and smoother.
This ingredient helps to reduce the loss of water from the skin and increases its elasticity.
Vitamin C
Among the ingredients of anti-aging and wrinkle-free creams, vitamin C is a really important one. It offers protection from the damages caused by the sun. But creams that have vitamin C must be stored in cold and dry places such as refrigerators, to keep them away from air and sunlight.
Tea Extracts
Compounds of black, green, and oolong tea have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Green tea extracts are quite a common ingredient for anti-wrinkle creams.
Final Words
Even if you don’t get the result as per your high expectations, anti-aging creams can be effective to quite some extent. But you need to make sure that the cream you are buying, has at least some of these above-mentioned ingredients, if not all. Also, these ingredients should contain high concentrations of these active ingredients. And while using the cream, use it regularly and frequently as per the instructions, not as per your wishes.