Tips to Eat Healthy while on vacation


Tips to Eat Healthy while on vacation

One of the most important thing to enjoy your vacation with full energy & spirit is HEALTH. Healthy Eating Tips while on vacation. These Tips to Eat Healthy while on vacation will surely help you to avoid any health issues to enjoy the vacation with maximum energy & spirit

One of the great things about spending a vacation abroad is the future culinary experiences you’ll enjoy, as it would obviously be a shame to spend your holidays in Italy and not taste some pasta specialties even if you’re used to dining in Italian restaurants back home, or to escape for a few days in France and not try their world renown cheeses and soufflés. On the other hand, it would be hard to avoid local cuisine, if you ever consider this, either if you’re on a diet or try to keep some overall control on what you eat or you just don’t like certain foods. It is hard, as every travel agency out there will give you a list of recommended eating places that will steal your heart just by looking over the menu pictures and let’s face it: you’re on vacation, you deserve to treat yourself. So what are the best vacation tips.

Tips to <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>Eat Healthy</strong> while on vacation” src=”×2243.jpg” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></p>
<p>But eating new things or things you’re not so used to may lead to more than the regular digestive problems <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>people</strong> complain about while on vacation, either because they eat too much, they combine stuff that shouldn’t be combined or they just have a strong reaction to some less common products. Headaches may also have a dietary cause and, even if there are not yet a lot of available irrefutable research results which can link certain foods with certain types of headaches, anecdotic evidence tells us to be careful. Just as the case of the electronic cigarette<a name=, which is used on a global level with user-reported positive benefits but still some research to be conducted, the direct relationship between food and headaches still needs some deeper explorations. However, we have some data, so let’s see what to be careful about.

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Say No to Aged cheese and red wine while on vacation

This awesome culinary combination you will find both at home but mostly abroad, in the Mediterranean countries especially, is dangerous because both of these products (and aged cheeses mostly) contain a substance called tyramine which is a felon accused of triggering headaches, especially in people who use MAO Inhibitors to treat their headaches. It raises blood pressure and can have serious side effects. Other cheeses with high levels of tyramine are blue cheese, Gorgonzola, Feta, Swiss, Brie or Cheddar. Careful with that cheese plate, alright? Nobody said to not taste them, but some precaution is mandatory, especially if they don’t make your daily home diet.

Say NO to Food with additives to stay healthy

While very hard to find any type of food not having all sorts of additives, if you plan for a camping trip in the mountains, be a little more circumspect about carrying around a lot of canned meat and weather – resistant salami. They’re good, but quite dangerous if they don’t make part of your regular diet. Also, if you travel abroad and really feel eating something local and spicy, pepperoni is not the best option, especially if you know you’re having some blood pressure problems.

Common food-triggered symptoms that are not in the digestive area

Vacationing implies some type of effort and stress, especially if you travel abroad and you planned to see some touristic famous attractions or to visit monuments or even the surroundings. So many people mistake tiredness for triggering a headache at the end of a busy vacation day. Here are some symptoms specialists from WebMD warn us to be careful about, as they may not come from a long day of visiting museums, but from the food we had on route:

  • Pressure in the chest and in the face, facial flushing
  • Burning sensation in the chest, shoulders, neck and face
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches in the front of the head or pressuring the sides of the head
  • Abdominal discomfort
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These symptoms may be triggered by eating certain types of foods, (including pizza, hot dogs or local sausages), or by foods which contain more additives we’re being used to. So while enjoying your trip abroad, make sure you remember to read some labels before buying certain products and take care with some of the local food intake. It would be a pity to come back from a foreign country and all your memories to include a daily headache.

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