Horse care basics every horse owner should know


Horse care basics every horse owner should know

Owing a horse might appear to be a brilliant idea! After all, it’s a feel-good factor to have an animal that is royal and classy. But with ownership comes responsibility. Part of owning a horse also means knowing how to care for your horse as well. Horse health care is a vast subject. You will need years of research, reading and hands-on experience to become a pro. However, it is essential to know the basic horse care essentials to take good care of your horse.

Two essential aspects of horse care basics are water and food! It is true for every horse. It could be your horse or the ones you see in Emerald Downs; none can survive and perform better without food and water.

Water is essential for horse care


It is important to keep your horse hydrated all-round the year! It impacts the horse’s well-being and overall health. On an average, a horse will drink close to 5 to 15 gallons of water per day. Hence, it is important for every horse to get access to fresh and clean water round the clock and year. Also, make sure that you inspect the horse water source for during every season change to make sure that there’s a clean supply of water. During colder months, you need to check so that the water source doesn’t get frozen.

Horse care basics every horse owner should know

On the other hand, if your horse doesn’t drink adequate water and sweats heavily, then chances are you need to more. Adding a daily electrolyte supplement is a smart call that will enable you to substitute the salt as well as other several minerals that get lost through the sweat. It will help the horse to maintain the optimum hydration level and keep healthy.

·         If you will body cut your steed before a show, you ought to do this something like one to about fourteen days ahead of time. When you first body cut your steed, his jacket will look dull and may have lines from the cutting edges. By permitting some time, you can have your pony get back his normal sparkle and enable the lines to develop out.

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·         Wash your pony before you body cut. Earth in the hide makes the sharp edges dull and won’t give a well put together.

·         Utilize a spotless, sharp cutting edge for the best outcomes.

·         As you cut your pony, frequently check the cutting edge to ensure it’s not overheating. At the point when the cutting edge has warmed up, make a point to take a break and splash them with a coolant.

·         After you body cut your steed, make a point to give him another shower. This will dispose of all the abundance hair that probably won’t have been brushed away.

The Finishing Touches:

·         If you use oil on your pony’s face, you should utilize it sparingly. Ensure that it looks characteristic and not oily.

·         Use infant powder, cornstarch, or white chalk to conceal any spots that may have surfaced.

·         Keep a tail wrap prepared in the event that you mesh your steed’s tail to shield him from rubbing the twist out.

·         Fill the nail gaps in the foot with filler that coordinates the foot shading.

·         To give your steed’s hooves a shiny look, you can complete it off with a foot clean.

·         Always, utilize a comparing mane search for whatever you are attempting to achieve. Regardless of whether it’s endeavoring to pull the mane, thin the mane, or simply brush the mane.

·         Use a little child powder to shroud any imperfections you may discover while planning for a show.

·         Wipe within your pony’s ear with a clammy material to expel any earth or trash.

·         For a shimmering sparkle, you can likewise apply a body sheen to help upgrade the steed’s jacket. Make a point to not shower it where your seat lays to abstain from slipping.

 Be careful about horse food

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It’s true that horses have evolved over the years! And every horse body has adapted in a certain way when it comes to eating habits. Many people call horses as “trickle feeders.” It indicates that they can consume food on an ongoing basis. A horse typically spends as much as 17 to 20 hours grazing. Hence, it is essential for you to ensure that your horse gets all it wants.

The basis of horse health should be forage! It is essential for your horse to eat close to 1% to 2% of his entire body weight of the forage on a daily basis. Does your horse have sufficient access to fresh pasture? If not and the horse also has a couple of dietary limitations then you need to ensure that it gets its desired amount of high-end hay to ensure that the forage requirements get met.

Furthermore, a horse also needs extra calories to add power to his performance. It is essential for a horse to maintain a healthy body and weight condition. As you make the necessary arrangements for horse care, you can also check out the option of providing fortified grain.

Imagine a scenario in which somebody needs to keep their pony at home in a lawn stable.

It’s fine to keep your steed at home as long as you have enough understanding and time to give legitimate consideration.

What guidance do you have for keeping hooves solid?


Dealing with your ponies’ feet is a standout amongst the most critical things a proprietor can improve the situation them. “No feet, no pony.” Even in the event that you don’t have room schedule-wise to prepare, you ought to at any rate pick their feet intermittently to ensure there are no stones or stuffed mud developed in their hooves. Cleaning your steeds’ hooves regularly will help avoid thrush and keep them smelling better. A key piece of keeping your steed’s feet sound is opportune visits from a knowledgeable metal forger who will trim and re-shoe your steed if necessary. Diet additionally adds to the health of their feet.


Steeds eat roughage, grain and field. Are there various sorts of roughage?

Indeed, there are distinctive sorts and characteristics in roughage, which can differ with the cost and in the event that the feed is “first” or “second cut.” There are thin characteristics of feed and furthermore much courser assortments. A few steeds have inclinations.

How essential is new water in a steed’s eating regimen?

Water is so essential with any living creature; keep it crisp and clean. On the off chance that ponies don’t drink enough water, they can get affected effectively and require genuine assistance from an equine vet. They ought to dependably have water before them consistently.

Does a steed require horse brotherhood?

This relies upon the pony. By and large, ponies are a crowd creature and like to associate with others. A few identities are consummately fine alone and are content with simply human fellowship. A few ponies can get truly joined to one another.

Is there something like a pony emergency treatment pack that horse proprietors ought to have?

Truly, there are fundamental things each pony proprietor ought to have. As time passes by, you end amassing more supplies. Once in a while certain issues require explicit medications.

When you get the food and water requirements of your horse well, you take care of the basics. You can refer to the points discussed above as you manage the water and food arrangements for your horse. It will add to the overall well-being of the horse.

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